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Otfried Rost
The Art and Work of Otfried Rost
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A Portrait
The Survivor
Blues (7)
Bluessaxophonist auf der Straße (Blues Saxophone Player on Street), 1999
Blues (6)
Bluessaxophone und Schlagzeug (Blues Saxophone and Drum Kit Player), 1990
Christian und Gary
Bluessaxophon und Piano (Blues Saxophone and Piano Player), 1989
Saxophon und Gitarre (2)
Bluessaxophonist und Gitarrist (Blues Saxophone and Guitar Player), 1985
Sax (3)
Bluessaxophonist (Blues Saxophone Player), 1983
Sax (2)
Bluessaxophonist (Blues Saxophone Player), 1983
Saxophon und Gitarre (1)
Bluessaxophonist und Gitarrist (Blues Saxophone and Guitar Player), 1981
Sax (1)
Bluessaxophonist (Blues Saxophone Player), 1979
Guitar and Saxophone
Bluesgitarrist und Tenor Saxophon (Blues Guitar and Saxophone Player), 1974